Can business be a site for cultivating virtue?

Mon, Nov 20

Guest Speaker: Dr. Thomas Stapleford

Thomas Stapleford 2 2

Dr. Stapleford, studies the human sciences, especially economics, where his work intersects American political history and the history of capitalism. He also has strong interests in virtue ethics, historical epistemology (the joint historical and philosophical study of ways of reasoning), and historiography (how one writes history).

His lecture will raise perennial questions: Can business make us better people? What is business, anyway? And if business can be a site for cultivating virtue, how can we work so as to become more virtuous? Keep these questions in mind as you consider the arguments put forward by the philospoher Alasdair MacIntyre in this week's reading.


Read This:

Unless otherwise noted, access readings on the course's Perusall page via Canvas.

  1. Alasdair MacIntyre, After Virtue, ch. 14 ("The Nature of the Virtues") [1981]
  2. Tom Stapleford, "Reading Guide - MacIntyre on Virtues" (2023)