Work & Meaning III: How should we value care work?

Tue, Nov 01

Learning goals- By the end of this session you will:

  1. Be able to articulate at least two interpretations of the Mary and Martha parable that appears in the Gospel of Luke
  2. Understand the theory of "good work" put forth in A.S. Byatt's story "Christ in the House of Martha and Mary" and how it compares to Andrea Veltman's or your own pluralistic account of meaningful work from last class period
  3. Form a viewpoint on the purpose of this short story, including an interpretation of the final scene

Read This:

Access readings on the course's Perusall page.

  1. A.S. Byatt, "Christ in the house of Martha and Mary" (1998) (short story)
  2. Luke 10: 38-42, Martha and Mary parable

Watch This:

Watch from 6:45 to 7:40 of this video to hear A.S. Byatt discuss her theory of fiction (what fiction does or helps represent).